Permanent Voters Card.

You need it to vote.

The start date for PVC collection has not been announced.

Click here to confirm the status of your PVC

The start date for PVC collection has not been announced.

Check that you are in INEC’s database – cvr.inecnigeria.

If you are there, check where INEC is distributing cards and go there.

You need to present your Temporary Voter’s Card or the Slip given to you at the completion of your CVR to the INEC Officials. If your TVC / Slip is missing, log on to INEC’s Voters Database – cvr.inecnigeria.org – and print your data page or present an ID card for identification.

It depends.
If INEC is at the ward/registration area, visit INECWards to get the address of
your PVC Collection Center.

If it’s at the LG level, click here to get INEC LGA Offices to get the address of your PVC Collection Center.